Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mary Poppins Sing Along

It is alternating between sunshine and rain. The sun warms the car, but the rain leaks in the window and drops onto my left knee. I’m parked in an industrial area near a trendy downtown Portland district waiting to meet my parents, my daughter and my sister. We are going to a “Mary Poppins Sing-Along.” I thought about wearing a frothy dress with red trim and a matching parasol, or maybe a black nanny’s outfit with umbrella, but instead ended by wearing black pants and a black zippered velour jacket. If I put coal dust on my face I could step in time with the chimney sweeps.

My sister arrives with my mother. My father and brother-in-law have chickened out. I hop in their car and we drive several blocks and find a Thai restaurant where we have mango sticky rice before strolling a block to the theater. As we walk in they hand us a little plastic bag with props. We are told at the beginning of the movie, Bert, the chimney sweep, will say hello and we are to respond, “Hello Bert. Where is 17 Cherry Tree Lane?” We are also informed it is fine if we yell out, “Sod off, George” when Jane and Michael Banks’ father is being a snarky wharf rat. We are also told we can ad-lib as long as we do it with a cockney accent and keep it clean.

So the movie starts and we ask Bert the question. We find the children have run away from Katie Nana. They advertise for a new nanny and the next morning the streets are lined with ferocious looking nannies. A wind comes up and we have all been provided with fans to provide the wind to blow the nannies away. Then we all get out our tiny umbrellas (the kind you get in fruity drinks) and hold them up as Mary Poppins floats down from her cloud.

During “A Spoon Full of Sugar” we have all been given pixie sticks which we break open and choke on the sugary content.

During the penguin scene, we pull the kazoo out of the little bag and hum along. At the end of the chimney sweeps number (It’s the master! It’s the master, step in time, it’s the master, step in time, never need a reason, never need a rhyme, it’s the master, step in time) the Admiral fires of his cannon and we all “pop” a little plastic noisemakers filled with confetti.

Toward the end we get out the little gold tuppence coin so we can feed the birds.

What really amazes me are the men. Lots of them, singing along with their spouses, girlfriends, children and some who just came as a group and know all the words. The man sitting next to my sister is really good at the “Oh, sod off, George.”

I love to laugh; loud and long and clear. This has provided a great opportunity to do so.


  1. That sounds like it was a blast! How cool to have the props and all!

  2. That sounds like so much FUN! I love Mary Poppins anyway, and seeing it like that would make it even better. *wanders off, humming "Spoonful of Sugar*

  3. For the record, your brother in law did not chicken out. He simply hates Mary Poppins. I never understand the appeal of this movie. IN addition, you REALLY REALLY don't want me to sing in public.

  4. how utterly, UTTERLY fabulous! *envy*

  5. What a fun way to spend a Sunday! I would have loved this production, props and all!

    Have a wonderful week!

  6. NWFoodie --Sharon, the props made it so much fun. They even awarded prizes to those in costumes.

    Linda G -- When a song was coming up in the movie, little musical notes would appear at the bottom of the screen to warn us to get ready to sing.

    Laurent-- Brothers-in-law are welcome to sing off key (um---like the rest of us). But I respect your decision to chicke--er---stay away. (wink wink)

    Squeaky-- It really was fun. Three generations of us attended.

    Nicole--I wish you had been there. It was wonderful fun.

  7. Oh, I bet that was a jolly good time for you, your Mum and your little siss. A gang of 6 of us from work went to Sing Along with Sound of Music a few years ago and had just about as much fun. Then, a small group of us went to Sing Along Mama Mia 2 yrs ago. What a hoot that was too! As long as the crowd is large enough, no body really cares what you sound like. Of course, the margaritas before hand don't hurt either...

  8. Oooooohhhh - why didn't we think of margaritas???

  9. Kathy---I love the margaritas idea. So does my sister, Nina, it appears. Next time!!!! I hope they do the Sound of Music up here, huh Nina?

  10. Oh, Nicole, you are are my 50th follower. Laaa la, la la la, la la laaaaaaaaaaaaa. Thanks.

  11. I love the idea of the sing along with the props! Just like Rocky Horror Picture Show - I finally was able to see it LIVE at our local theater last year and LOVED it...and I have to admit I HATE Mary Poppins, too (but do love many of the songs)...does that make me French?
    PS Your dad did not chicken out - he just refused to participate. And my Cabrio window drips on my left leg, too! :o)

  12. I never got to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Karen. But it would be fun. Are you French? Have you lost the southern accent and gained a French one?

    And what is up with the leaking window on the Cabrios?

  13. Wow, that sound like fun. Who cleans up the confetti? I think of the silliest things. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Elizabeth,

    So that explains why the tickets were a little more expensive than a regular movie ticket.

  15. Oh my. This sounds just!

    Thanks for sharing!


  16. That sounds like such a fun event! I love Mary Poppins, the actual book and the Disney movie.

  17. Tawna,

    Are you saying they don't have things like this on the dry side of the state? Time to move back. Heh heh heh.


    I think it would have been wonderful fun if you had come along. Next time you are visiting "the other Vancouver" you'll have to let me know.


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