Thursday, June 14, 2012

Black-tailed Buck

On my way to work yesterday, I had to stop for this buck, who was standing in the middle of the road.  He stared at me while I reached down to the floor of my car, scooped up my camera case, unzipped it, slid out the camera, and turned it on.  As soon as I brought it up to focus on him, he turned tail toward me, and walked away.
Black-tailed buck in velvet

Do you suppose that is his opinion of my desire to put him on my blog?


  1. He's gorgeous! Thanks for showing, Melanie>

  2. He is lovely. I wonder if the twin yearlings that enjoy my plants are his.

  3. He is beautiful - how wonderful to be able to see something like him on your way to work! And thanks for sharing him with us.

    1. He was there again this morning, but he wasn't blocking the road and I was running late, so no picture to add to this one.

  4. Great pic. I try to have my camera always at bay, just in case; but many times seem to miss the prize-winning shot. You done well in the end. :)~

    1. Slicker,

      Hahahaha, in the end...ha..oooh, that's a good one.


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