Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Cup Runneth

The title of my manuscript is "The Pirate's Reckoning". This title may change, but that is the working title. Although I wrote in some pirates, it is not really a pirate tale. This has not stopped people from giving me pirate items. I have pirate hats, pirate earrings, pirate eye patches, pirate daggers, pirate mouse pads and pirate hooks.

Two things have happened. I find I like the pirate items and I no longer think twice about them. So, a few days back, early in the morning at work, I made a strong pot of coffee and filled my cup. When I turned around, the president of the company stood behind me and his eyes travelled down to my cup.
"What does that say?" he asked.
I held it up and glanced at it. "It says 'Work is for people who don't know how to plunder,'" I answered.
"Hmmm," he said, and lowered his eyebrows, wrinkling his forehead. "Should I be worried about this?"
"Whatever would make you worry?"

"That fact that you work in accounting."

Perhaps it is time to disavow any knowledge of insider trading, golden parachutes, numbered Swiss bank accounts or private jets making regular trips to countries with no extradition.
Should I go back to using my old cup? A few years ago I decided to go on a health kick and cut back to only one cup of coffee a day. I found the perfect cup, green too, so I'd be helping the planet. I quit using it because the coffee would get cold before I finished it.

What do you think?


  1. Stick with the pirate cup and save the green cup for Earth Day! Argh - we have a fondness for pirates here in the Ancient City of St. Augustine!
    I finally brought my own cup home from the office; evening innkeepers were putting silverware in it for the social hour and I was afraid it would get cracked. My cup says "Harley Mama"; Melissa gave it to me when I got my sweet precious terrier.

  2. Yes, that precious terrier. He probably paid the innkeepers to crack the cup.

  3. I think the green "cup" is actually a terrier holder.

  4. It may be big enough to hold that little, sweet terrier of Karen's.

  5. You're in accounting! You need the pirate cup! YAR! I work on the accounting portion of our software ( do not ASK me about accounting I iz just a dumb programmer) we celebrate talk like a pirate day AT WORK. And hey at least you don't have a jolly roger flying above your desk right...um...right?

  6. You mean at this very moment? No. No Jolly Roger.

  7. I think this is all LOL funny. But then, I'm not the president of your company.

  8. Yeah, apparently I'm never going to be, either.


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